lost and found at tiny thing
home-made laundry detergent
 S.O.’s Home-Made Cheap Laundry Soap 1. 1 bar Fels Naptha soap, grated (comes out to about 2 cups) You can find this in the grocery store laundry aisle. S.O. grates it on our cheese grater. 2. 1 c Borax Comes from the grocery store laundry aisle and some hardware stores. 3. 1 c Washing Soda My sister can find this at her nice grocery store but we had to order online. Others report that they found it in little grocery stores or Mexican markets. 4. 1/4 c OxyClean (not necessary, but we add it) Mix it all together into a bumpy, granular mix. Don’t worry about stuff getting correctly dispersed, even if it doesn’t quite look like it does. Use 1T for a light load. Use 2T for a large or dirty load (It’s true! Only 2 Tablespoons per load!) from the modern cottageLabels: how to, make