lost and found at tiny thing
a white bear says
What I'd like to argue is that porn-modeled sex is a symptom of the failure to give people any other model to imitate. Young people are so hungry for education about how to live adult lives that they'll take whatever they can get their hands on. For some aspects of adulthood, like acting professionally in work environments, a lot of them have plenty of models, either from their parents or from the media. Like my students writing about fiction, they can play that role well because they've had some decent models of what that would look like. But sex? What models do they have to bridge the transition from virginity to sane, secure, non-misogynistic maturity? This post officially advocates better poetry- and sex-ed in high schools! Start them in kindergarten! We can’t just wait until they’ve grown up into ridiculous, stuttering, clueless adults and then pathologize their failures as "lack of self-esteem," "misogyny," "pornsickness" or "illiteracy." They need alternative, trustworthy sources of guidance. is there no sin in it